Thursday, December 11, 2014

Second Best!!

This is a representation of the girl who doesn't think she's good enough. Her hair is not perfect, she's not skinny enough, her breasts aren't big enough, she doesn't think she is good enough!!! This is how many girls and women feel when they see the models on TV and in magazine and Then they look at them selves in the mirror.
This is my painting with a meaning!!!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Love is Color Blind

The style of this painting is pop art. This painting is sort of personal as I am part of an interracial couple. Sometimes people give us ugly looks or whisper to each other about us, but our love still remains inspired of people. I didn't have an exact plan first this work, I just wanted to show what the stereo typical marriage is and how marriage is for me. This is simply a pop art piece. I wanted it to be simple and to the point. The people in the paintings are the focal point. I what people who see these paintings to realize that marriage is not always between two people of the same race. I'm happy with the smallness of these paintings because I think it adds to the pop art feel of the piece. They look like something out of the comic section in the newspaper, but with a twist, showing reality along with the stereotype. This is my first time painting about a contemporary issues that is important to me.


This painting is small but it's very realistic. I think it looks like a post card. It makes me want to take a trip to see the ocean or go camping by a lake. I do love nature.

The Tea Pot

This is my still life. I'm so proud of how realistic it looks. It's almost all one color except for the light areas and the shadowed areas.  This tea pot reminds me of my Uncle who always has a tea pot on his wood burning stove. It acts as a humidifer and it saves electricity.